Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Various Types of Tea and Its Benefits

Various types of tea are not only offers a different flavor, but also a variety of health benefits. There is a type of tea is good for bones and teeth, some are specifically recommended for weight loss.

The benefits of each type of tea are as follows, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (03/08/2011).

1. White tea for skin care
Highest antioxidant content can be found in White Tea made from tea plant shoots. In addition to preventing premature aging effects, high antioxidant in White Tea can also prevent wrinkles by protecting the two proteins that maintain the skin elasticity of elastin and collagen.

2. Rooibos tea to overcome the lack of blood
Symptoms completely exhausted from lack of blood can be treated with rooibos tea, herbal tea from South Africa that was made from the bushes. These teas contain at most tennin, flavonoids are able to increase the absorption of iron from food.

3. Oolong tea to prevent cavities
Types of herbal tea from China is at most contain catechin, antimicrobial compounds that can prevent caries or cavities. Other types of tea that has antimicrobial activity which is close to Oolong tea, is the Black Tea.

4. Chamomile tea to keep blood pressure
According to a study in Japan, consumption of Chamomile tea without sugar every day can prevent the risk of diabetic complications. One is the increase in blood pressure that can lead to nerve damage and impaired vision.

5. Black Tea for bone strength
Compared to other types of tea, Black Tea also called Cuppa Tea has the most diverse benefits. The most powerful addition to relieving stress and cholesterol levels, Black Tea is also good for bones because it is rich in minerals manganese, and fluoride.

6. Green Tea for slimming
Japanese study proves, drink a cup of green tea every day can increase food metabolism in the body. This type of tea contains epigallocatechin gallate at most, a compound that can shed fat and bad cholesterol.

7. Peppermint tea for indigestion
Abdominal pain and diarrhea that accompany irritable bowel syndrome can be relieved with peppermint oil contained in Peppermint Tea. A cup of Peppermint Tea, which tastes like menthol balm can reduce abdominal muscle contractions increased as a result when there is irritation in the intestine.

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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

The Reason for the Difficulty of Implementing Dietary

Not easy to do a diet to lose weight. Some people sometimes have specific reasons to avoid it. What is it?

Most people would think several times before finally deciding to diet. When thinking that sometimes arise for reasons they did not have to go on a diet.

Here are some common reasons that a person said to avoid the necessity for the diet, namely:

1. ‘Tomorrow I will start a diet’
Most people procrastinate on a diet by saying tomorrow. And if a person was serious about dieting, they would immediately begin that same day without exception.

2. ‘I really liked food’
Everyone will love to eat, so it is not the right reasons. Someone who dieter can still enjoy the food, but the amount that must be considered so as not to overdo.

3. ‘Healthy food is expensive’
The reason this is not true, because they do not need to choose an expensive diet food. The thing to do is eat healthy fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat that is actually less expensive than processed foods.

4. ‘I do not have time’
Everyone do not need to do for hours to go on a diet, but only briefly, and even no more than 30 minutes. If they already have the will, then all things must be done.

5. ‘I can not work when I’m hungry’
A good diet will not make a person hungry, but instead make it more active and productive so that they can think better because eating fresh foods without preservatives and malnutrition.

6. ‘Condition has been derived from families’
Some people try to hide the fat on the grounds of the family genes. But the researchers found that obesity is not a dominant gene so that a person can still control their weight with some effort.

7. ‘I do not like fruit and vegetables’
If you do not like to be consumed raw, the vegetables can be added to the soup, stew or other food mixtures, while fruit can be made juice or good smoothies.

8. ‘My job, a lot of traveling, so I have a lot to eat’
This condition can be overcome with smart food choices like low-fat, for example, choose steamed fish or chicken and salad with honey and lemon to replace the mayonnaise.

Nothing says that the diet program is easy to do, but by eliminating the reasons, a person is one step closer to success.

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Breast Cancer Risk for Former Smokers

Women who have ever smoked had a risk of developing breast cancer is greater in old age. Even if they had stopped 10 years though, the risk is still great.

A study reveals, 16 percent of women after the age of menopause susceptible to disease, especially those who smoke. The earlier a woman starts smoking, the greater the risk. And the risk is still high even though they had stopped for 20 years. Generally, if they are smokers the risk is the potential to reach 9 percent.

This fact is the result of research conducted by doctors Juhua Luo of the University of Virginia and physician Karen Margolis from HealthPartners Research Foundation, Minneapolis, United States. They studied data collected from 1993 to 1998 who took the sample of 80,000 women aged 50-79 years.

The study also studying secondhand smoke. For passive smokers risk of cancer to 32 percent, especially if they are exposed to smoke from childhood.

In the study continued 10 years later, the researchers found 3,250 cases of malignant cancer that affects the object of study participants.

They were given a few questions about their status as a smoker, and as a passive smoker.

As a result, smokers who had entered menopause are at increased risk of cancer by 16 percent. While those who had quit smoking the risk is 9 percent. The biggest cancer risk experienced by those who smoked for 50 years or more.

Doctor Margolis said the results of this study is an attempt to prevent women smoke, especially those still in an early age. Doctor Rachel Greig, Senior Policy Officer at Breakthrough Breast Cancer says the earlier the woman smokes and the longer it continued the habit, the greater the likelihood of developing breast cancer. “We encourage all women do not smoke,” she said.
(Source: Tempo)

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World’s First Optical Microscope that could view 50 nanometers objects

Image: DailyMail

England created a new type of optical microscope that is able to break the record to saw the smallest object that can’t be seen on ordinary optical microscope.

Scientists from Univesity of Manchester and colleagues from Singapore to introduce new optical microscope that can help learn the many viruses that cause disease. The findings were published in the journal Nature Communication.

“This world’s first optical microscope can view objects 50 nanometers under normal light and it is a new record,” said the Wang Zengbuo, author report. Previously, the microscope could not see objects as small as it is because of interrupted light.

For going beyond that, scientists combining optical microscopy with micro transparent ball, dubbed ‘micro ball nanoskop’. Using a more powerful force, a new creation that can be used observe the contents of human cells and virus for the first time.

Further, the principles used microscopes that can be used to produce a more powerful optical microscope. “Not only see objects 50 nanometers, we believe it is only the beginning and could see much smaller objects again,” said senior author Li Lin.

In theory, no limit on how small an object can be seen, added Li. Microscope that there are currently only able to see the cell surface and could not see its structure. In addition, there is no tool to see virtually immediate virus.

Some scientists use the ‘optical fluorescence microscope’ to look into the cells indirectly by coloring them in advance. However, this technique can not penetrate the virus.

Therefore, scientists believe, this new microscope has the potential to revolutionize the way cells and study the vius. This will be very helpful in biomedicine and treatment of a disease.

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Toenails Cut Predict the Risk of Lung Cancer

A study showed that the toenails cut can be used to predict the risk of lung cancer several years before it developed.

Measurements of nicotine levels in toenails cut it found the men with the highest readings three times more likely to get cancer than the lowest.

Because toenails grow so slowly – 1 cm a year – they provide important information about long-term exposure to cigarette smoke.

The findings, by scientists at the University of San Diego in California, it could pave the way for doctors to detect lung tumors.

Toenails are not only identified as most at risk smokers but also non-smokers, says the study in the American Journal of Epidemiology. This means providing guidance to the damaging effects of passive smoking.

The researchers took samples of nail cut from 850 men and followed them for more than 12 years to see who developed lung cancer.

They estimate that people with the highest nicotine levels of 3.5 times more likely to suffer from cancer 12 years later compared with those with the lowest levels.

Lung cancer kills less than 30 thousand people a year in England and Wales and smoking causes about 90 percent of cases.

It is estimated that people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day 20 times more likely to get it than non-smokers.

Figures released earlier this week showed levels more than doubled for women over 60 since the mid-1970s.

The disease is now attacking 190 in every 100,000 women, up from 88 per 100,000 is almost 30 years ago. Experts blame the fact that smoking peaked in women during that period.

Meanwhile, the rate of disease among men has decreased since smoking has declined in popularity in the 1970s.

Toenails grow about one centimeter a year so it can provide important clues about the long-term exposure to cigarette smoke.

Samples were taken from each volunteer at the beginning of the experiment in 1987 and analyzed the level of nicotine. The men were then followed to 12 years to see which one is suffering from lung cancer.

The results showed lung cancer victims have nicotine levels on average 12 years earlier around 0.95 nanogrammes per milligram. But they are free of cancer has only 0.25ng per milligram.

The study shows nicotine levels nails provide biomarkers that can predict the risk of lung cancer independent of smoking history were reported.
(Source: TempoInteraktif)

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Waist Circumference Affects the Risk of Stroke?

Excessive waist circumference has been known to increase risk of cardiovascular disease. However, from recent studies also found excess waist circumference also increases the risk of TIA and stroke.

Dr. Tobias from Saxon Hospital recommends that physicians measure waist circumference and waist-hip ratio using (which was created by WHO) to assess the risk of stroke.

Also emphasized the importance of assessing overall vascular risk profile, the point to minimize or modify the factors that affect coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.

The research team is evaluating the role of obesity and abdominal fat mass to the risk of stroke / TIA in 378 adults with a history of stroke / TIA and 758 subjects as controls. In the adjusted analysis, several markers of abdominal obesity are strongly associated with risk of stroke / TIA. For example: someone with waist-hip ratio had the highest risk of 7.69 times more to suffer from the incident, compared with patients who have the smallest ratio.

If the waist-hip ratio> 0.97 in men, and> 0.85 in women, they have 8 times more risk to the risk of stroke, when compared to someone else with a ratio <0.92 in men, and <0.78 in women. waist circumference was also strongly associated with stroke / TIA. If waist circumference> 40.2 inches for men and> 34.6 inches for women, the risk of stroke increased by 4 times.

This study also showed that waist-height ratio (waist circumference divided by height) can also be used to assess the risk of stroke and TIA, which is comparable to the size of waist circumference. However, further research is still required to ensure where the best markers in predicting the risk of cerebrovascular specific or total.

This study also shows that markers of abdominal adiposity was the best predictor for stroke / TIA than BMI. By using different statistical calculations, confirmed that the waist-hip ratio seems to be a risk of stroke/TIA.
(Source: Info-Sehat)

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Stable Levels of Good Cholesterol (HDL) have Relatively Long Life

Research shows, the quality of a man’s health can be determined also by the levels of cholesterol in their blood. Those who are able to maintain stable levels of good cholesterol or HDL, relative has a long life.

According to researchers at the Boston study published the American Journal of Cardiology, the man who is able to reach the age of 85 years tend to have high HDL cholesterol levels while in their 60s. Men of his HDL highest risk of less than 28 percent died at age 85, compared with men with HDL levels was the lowest.

Dr. Nir Barzillai from the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, U.S., believes the results of this study add to evidence that cholesterol plays an important role in determining the quality of one’s health.

“We must always remember that this is a relationship, and it does not mean having a high HDL can increase life expectancy,” said Barzillai.

According to the American Heart Association, about 12 million people in the land of Uncle Sam suffering from heart disease and stroke by the year 2006. But the risk of heart problems can actually be lowered by maintaining HDL cholesterol levels remain high. HDL levels are low, less than 40 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) in blood, as long as it is also known to increase risk of heart disease.

Decreased risk of Scientists from the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center in Boston, USA, conducted a review of medical records of 650 veterans when they were aged about 65 years. Later, these veterans can be sorted by their HDL levels.

Starting from the lowest level that is 40 mg / dL, the researchers found that each 10 mg / dL increase in HDL, a man has an 14 percent reduced risk of dying at age 85. Overall, there are 375 veterans who survive past the age.

In addition, there were few men of her high HDL levels who are overweight and among those likely to drink alcohol does not exceed two drinks a day. Among them are also less likely to have heart problems and smoking, than in the low HDL group.

According Barzillai these factors also may affect the durability of the men. Even so, the researchers did not consider these factors, and and the results of the study showed a strong relationship between attainment of age 85 with high levels of HDL.

Barzillai add, to alter HDL levels in the body is not easy. Exercise may help, but now there is no way the most efficient way to improve HDL levels. “At the end we may need medication,” he said.

According to the Mayo Clinic, one type of supplement intake of vitamin B that niacin may help boost HDL levels between 15 to 35 percent. However, there is a risk that sempingnya effect on liver damage and increased blood sugar. But there is also a natural source of niacin that is made from dairy products, lean meat, beans, eggs and fish.
(Source: KompasHealth)

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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Some Benefits of Walking

Walking is the most cheap and easily performed sport. That’s what makes walking much-loved by all ages. Not only fun, this activity is known to provide so many benefits for the body. Want to know what are the benefits?

1. Walking can lower levels of LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) or commonly known as bad cholesterol. This activity can also increase production of HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprotein).

2. Walking including low-impact activity, it will not burden the joints and does not affect or increase the risk of osteoarthritis as other sports activities.

3. Walking can reduce the risk of various health problems.

4. Lowering blood pressure, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduce risk factors for development, and improve management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

5. For those who are dieting or trying to maintain body weight, walking will help get the desired body weight.

6. Improve mood and physical strength through muscle exercises and reduce the chances of osteoporosis.

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High Cholesterol? There Easy Ways to Reduce Saturated Fat and Cholesterol

Should indeed be vigilant and immediately change the daily diet. If you already know the high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Cholesterol is actually not a bad thing. Because it’s a substance that is needed in the body as well. Cholesterol is produced from the liver and found in certain foods.

It especially needed separately to make vitamin D and several other important hormones, as well as to build cell walls and to produce one type of salt, ie bile salts which help digest fats. Our body can produce enough to keep the digestive tract running smoothly.

But there is nothing good in excess levels, including cholesterol. When you receive the results of checks with high blood cholesterol that means the need to diet, exercise and lose weight if necessary, could no longer be postponed. No need to worry there are many diet proven to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol.

The first step, of course restrict the total amount of fat you consume every day, a maximum of only 30 percent of your daily calories. Dose of saturated fat is 7% or less than 30%. While the rest is not saturated fat.

This type of fat can reduce cholesterol in the blood form when it is used as a substitute for saturated species. There are two main types of types of fat is not saturated, and they can be obtained as from the olive, fish, ore, sunflower, corn, soybean and canola oil.

When you are running your diet to control cholesterol, you should also make sure to reduce intake of cholesterol, at least not less than 200 mg per day. Do not forget to also add fiber in the daily menu. The best way is to increase physical activity through sports.

There are also certain foods rich in nutrients and assist in lowering cholesterol. Try looking at menu contains oatmel, grains, fruits and other food type. Switch to whole grains is a very effective way of lowering cholesterol. Eating nuts, beans, and peas all week is also effective. If you are a fan of tempeh and tofu really better, soy protein is excellent.

Another powerful technique is to eat a full serving of fruits and vegetables every day. If you do not mind the sharp smell of garlic, spice this one, either cooked or raw, reduce production of cholesterol from the liver in the body.

Other dishes are encouraged and actively lower cholesterol are salmon, almonds and olive oil. Foods that contain vitamin C & E and natural antioxidants are also important. This species can be obtained among others from broccoli, wheat, citrus, nuts, strawberries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, melon and Brussels sprouts.

All meals and had been proven effective way to lower cholesterol if you consistently apply. The main concept of healthy eating patterns that ensure plenty of fresh fruit, grains and vegetables in the diet.
(Source: Republika)

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Bacteria Anti Plaque on Human Teeth.

A number of researchers have found a new weapon that can fight tooth decay. The weapon in the form of enzymes produced by bacteria in the mouth, an enzyme that can prevent the plaque on human teeth.

With these findings, could lead to the development of toothpaste that can produce the enzyme. So the body can produce their own substances that prevent plaque on the teeth.

Human mouth bacteria known as the headquarters. More than 700 species of bacteria live in the mouth is hot and humid. Including Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria that make the plaque.

Streptococcus mutans can convert sugar into acids that create holes in the teeth. While others are more friendly bacteria to the tooth. For example, in 2009, scientists found the bacterium S. salivarius which reduces the growth of biofilms S. mutans.

As quoted from the site sicencemag.com, biologists from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo, Hidenobu Senpuku and his colleagues studied how S. salivarius could prevent the hole in the tooth.

The researchers then use a chromatographic technique, a method that divides molecules based on the content or size. They separate each protein from microbial samples taken.

Researchers then mixing each protein with cell S. mutans and measure combinations which grow the number of biofilm in the least amount in the container in the laboratory. As a result, FruA Protein is the most powerful enzin blocking biofilms.

Mary Ellen Davey, microbiologists from the Forsyth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States says the findings could develop a better toothpaste. But this is not an easy job. “Formula that could ensure the enzyme is actively working alone is a big challenge,” he said.

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Three of Repsol Honda Team’s Riders Attend Launch Honda CBR 250R in Indonesia

Three riders who are in under the banner of Repsol Honda Team, Dani Pedrosa, Andrea Dovizioso and Casey Stoner attended the launch of the latest motor sport Honda CBR 250R.

Honda CBR 250R presence in Indonesia, allegedly to counter the dominance of the Kawasaki Ninja 250R that has long accompanied the premium motor sport enthusiasts in Indonesia.

“As you can see, the president of HRC (Honda Racing Corporation), my friend in Japan come here with the famous Repsol Honda riders whose names you already know,” said President Director of PT Astra Honda Motor Yusuke Hori at Hotel Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, Friday (02/25/2011) quote in Detik.

For customer satisfaction, Honda CBR 250R presents with 3 colors namely Candy Ruby Red, Asteroid Black Metallic and Sword Silver Metallic. Honda sport bike optimistic it will be sold over 10,000 units this year.

All-new Honda CBR250R USD 4,460 for non-ABS type and USD 5,200 for the type of ABS.

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Jaguar C-X75 Hybrid Supercar

Super car enthusiasts the arrival of a car produced by Jaguar. Jaguar C-X75 is the new flagship of the Jaguar, who plans to work with Williams F1 in producing this car.

This car will certainly be special supercar. First, of course it uses a hybrid concept. Others, this car will only be produced as many as 250 units.

Through a press release, Jaguar set their prices in the range of £ 700,000.

“Jaguar C-X75 getting overwhelming response as a concept car. We see there is a very good chance of that response. No other vehicles are able to compete in innovation and technological perfection is pinned by a Jaguar,” said Adrian Hallmark, Jaguar Brand Director.

Well, the interesting in this cooperation project, it took Williams F1 Jaguar. It says this is interesting because during the Williams F1 precisely at mid-race pole position in Formula 1. They can not compete with other manufacturers, such as Mc-Laren Mercedes, Red Bull Racing, Ferrari, Mercedes and even the recently competed in Formula 1.

One of the Williams F1 CEO Adam Parr said that Williams will put everything into the car and mentioned that a production version of the C-X75 will circulate on the road in late 2013. “Nothing we hold of the car ini.Kami will put everything we have into it,” said Parr. Alex Burns, others Williams F1 CEO, are also confident that this partnership will benefit for Jaguar.

“Williams in essence, an engineering company, and so we all will learn to get into this car,” said Burns. Sir Frank Williams, founder of the Williams Formula 1 team also gave thanks to new partnerships. “Today’s announcement is an honor for me, and above all, also for the Williams firm. We are hoping to provide what was promised and will provide the best technology possible,” said Sir Frank. (SeputarIndonesia)

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Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade, Best in Britain

Of the various motors that are sold in Britain, Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade motorcycle turned out to be the best choice of the bikers. Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade beat Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R and the Suzuki GSXR1000.

Achievement is the result of a survey conducted by the British Dealer News, and quoted autoevolution, Monday (02/28/2011). Elected CBR1000RR Fireblade trusted because the motor is considered to have a complete feature that could spoil its users.

Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade get a high rating in terms of reliability and quality and able to retain its value very well.

In Britain, Honda Fireblade CBR1000RR comes in two types namely the standard version and the full-spec version which is equipped with C-ABS.

“Fireblade has consistently proven himself as a tremendous engine in both road and track. The fact that it is still popular today as in 1992 when it was first introduced to an impressive proof of this machine,” said General Manager of Honda (UK), Steve Martindale.

Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade currently has nineteen years old at
England. In addition to bulk sale, large motorcycles is also involved in various
Superbike championships and is the first motorcycle that solves the number 321.8 km per hour.

Results obtained from 999 ccc engine liquid-cooled inline four-cylinder that
arms. The machine that has a compression ratio of 12.3:1 is capable of spraying up to 178 hp peak power at engine speed 12 000 rpm with maximum torque of 112 Nm at the rate in 8500 rpm.
(Source: Detik)

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Senin, 23 Mei 2011

’2011 US Vehicle Dependability Study’ released 14 most reliable car

Lacing the recall was not affecting the credibility of the Toyota. Marketing research institutions, JD Power and Associates, on Monday (03/21) released the results of ’2011 US Vehicle Dependability Study’. The result is there, 34 marks the most reliable car. The car is a vehicle that is marketed in the United States.

JD Power press release states, these assessments are based on statistical assessment of the number of existing problems in one brand of car provided by respondents. Each brand is represented by 100 cars.

“Overall, car manufacturers have made significant improvements in reducing the traditional problems, especially with the interior of the vehicle, engine and transmission, and steering and brakes during the last few years,” said David Sargent, vice president of global vehicle research JD Power and Associates.

“However, some manufacturers are adding features and new technology to meet consumer demand and new legislation, has faced a potential new problem,” he asserted.

Sargent says, there are 250 kinds of problems that are valued and sought opinions to the respondent who is the owner of the car. Thus, the fewer problems that exist in the vehicle – as indicated by the little score – then the car was more reliable.

The results refer to the lowest score – or the most reliable car – is 101 and the highest score or the largest number is 221. The industry average score, ie the average value of all brands surveyed was 151.

Interestingly, says a press release, Toyota was able to continue its reliability thus remains a trusted brand that has a high reliability in the United States. In fact, there are seven models made by Toyota to be a reliable model. They are, Lexus RX, Toyota Scion xB, Toyota 4Runner, Prius, Sienna, Tacoma, and Tundra.

It is also common on the Ford Motor Company. Four models of the Ford was recorded as a trusted consumer model, namely the Ford Fusion, Mustang, Lincoln MKZ and Lincoln Navigator. The products made by General Motors in this category there are three, namely the Buick Lucerne, Cadillac DTS, and the Chevrolet Tahoe.

Data refer to the institution, from 34 car brands that are above the industry average score of only 14 brands. This means that the 14 brands of car is the most reliable.

They are:

Lincoln (101)Lexus (109)Jaguar (112)Porsche (114)Toyota (122)Acura (123)Buick (125)Mercedes-Benz (128)Cadillac [General Motors] (130)Hyundai (132)Honda (139)Ford [Ford Motor Company] (140)Saab (146)Infiniti [Nissan Motor Company] (151)

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BMW Maxi, Luxury Sporty Scooter

After announcing the identity of electric and hybrid cars would be produced, namely the BMW I3 and I8, Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) still has another obsession, which kicked off the two-wheeled automotive market.

Division luxury motorcycle manufacturer, BMW Motorrad, will be launching two brand-new scooter variants in the Esposizione Internazionale Ciclo e Motociclo e Accessori exhibition or the Milan International Motorcycle Show (EICMA) 2011, November.

As proclaimed autoevolution.com, Thursday (24 / 2), named Maxi scooter that will be marketed in 2012. “Deputy Director of BMW Motorrad, Hermann Bohrer has confirmed that the two scooters that will appear at EICMA 2011. It was said at the launch of BMW K1600GT in South Africa,” wrote those pages.

Display BMW scooter is different from the generally large motor scooter manufacturer berpostur gambot. This scooter is loaded with more streamlined and sporty impression. The back is made higher so agile when through traffic jams.

There is no complete information and display machine happenings. Just mention the motorized two-cylinder scooter. Display using the concept of a split front windscreen complete with wind shield alias, using the main light Light Emitting Diode (LED).
(Source: Tempo)

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E-3POD Antistatic, Between Bicycles and Automobiles

E-3POD Antistatic Juvonen Heikki’s work was selected as the best design at the Royal College of Art’s Interim Degree in London recently. The shape is very unique. E-3POD consists of two small wheels in front and a big wheel in the back of the circular in the wheelhouse.

Simple and lightweight design emphasizes aerodynamic so batteries can be as small as a driver and light as possible. E-3POD become a new kind of personal transportation by combining elements of a bicycle, car, lightweight, aerodynamically efficient, cheaper and more economical in energy as it uses electricity. At high speed E-3POD will be slightly lowered so that its grip is getting stronger and steady cornering.

As reported the Daily Telegraph, gifts received by the designer Heikki is a six-month work contract in PSA design center in Paris. The place was designed Citroen and Peugeot.

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Tasenden is Very Applicable Product for Motorcycle Users

Did you know Tasenden? Unique backpack designed by Dony Arsetyasmoro, designers who are now taking a master’s program at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), which won an award from Djarum Black Innovation in 2008.

Tasenden is very applicable product for motorcycle users. This product consists of a protective vest for the driver motor, head stands and a belt fastener for the pillion as well as parts that can be used to put a duffel bag if the driver was driving a motorcycle alone.

All parts Tasenden designed in such a way that is very practical to wear. All the parts support the pillion to continue to stick to the driver thus avoiding the risk of falling. This accessories are suitable for motorcycle travelers who must travel long distances.

“At first I designed this tool because of seeing my own needs. I often long-distance motorcycle riding with my wife and child. This tool is not inviting people to sleep, but for pillion stay safe when asleep.” Dony said

At first, Dony do not have plans to participate in the competition Djarum Black Innovation. But seeing the opportunity, he finally decided to join and eventually become one of the winners, along with other contestants who designed Multicos and light sticks.

Dony said, there are several interested parties to market and become agents for their products. For instance, from Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan and other cities.

Currently he is awaiting his work can be produced. However, some adjustments are still to be done. “The designs are still too expensive. Need foam, foam was expensive. The cost of production of about U.S. $47,” said Dony.

However, there are some factories that are interested in producing. “It has been pursued to the motor factory and there are also bag and equipment outbound factory in Yogyakarta who are interested. but still need to be adjusted to be realized,” Dony added.

Related to Djarum Black Innovation, Dony said that the event is great for developing creativity. “Through this event it is a challenge to innovate, how to create a useful product for our lives,” he explained.

He added, with the existence of this competition, product developers can also learn appreciation for others against their products. “We know our product is useful it from others, not from our own,” says Dony are also interested in following this competition again.

Advice from Dony, for participants Djarum Black Innovation 2011, “our creative ideas have to come from daily problems, so we can solve the problems that we face, just like Tasenden” (kompas)

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Electric Car with Motor on Wheels

Shimizu In Motor Wheel-Drive (SIM-Drive Corp.) which is a company based in Kawasaki, Japan, in late March announced that it successfully developed a four-seat electric car called “SIM-LEI”.

The advantages of this car, once the contents of the battery, can be used to cover a distance of 333 km with a test mode JC-08. When accelerated at a constant speed of 100 km / h, then the distance traveled by the battery capacity of 24.4 kWh (same as that used electric cars today) only 305 km. This car is planned to be launched in 2013.

Outer rotor
The technology is offered on the actual car is also designed for 8-wheel vehicle is using electric motor directly attached to the wheel. Actually, Professor Shimizu concept is not new. Michelin has also been showing off this technology. However, the fact that as yet there are companies that use them.

Electric car with the installation of electric motors directly on the wheels of late become a debate for the automotive experts. Because the electric motors in the wheels affects the work and brakes. The workload will increase in both components.

Nevertheless, the electric car developed by professor Hiroshi Shimizu, a professor of Keio University as well as President Director and CEO of SIM-Drive Corp., uses the concept of the motor opposite to that of today. In an electric car with a length of 4,700 mm, width 1,600 mm and 1,550 mm height, and weight is 1,650 kg, rotornya outside.

As an illustration, at current electric motor, the rotor (rotating part) are on the inside. As for the SIM, outside the rotor and stator (stationary part) are on the inside.

Actually in 2004, Hiroshi Shimizu has also introduced an electric car that is named Eliica. The concept, the electric motor mounted directly on wheels and equipped with a gear reduction. Now, with the rotor on the outside, no need to use the gear reduction. Added, the torque produced is also growing larger.

Consumption of electric cars that use alternating electric current is 77 watt-hr/km is equivalent to 70 km/liter of gasoline. SIM claims that this car can sprint from 0-100 km/h in 4.8 seconds and maximum speed 150 km/hour.

SIM-LEI using monokok chassis with “components together in order to” hollow that is used to place the batteries, inverters, and so forth. Further, the car developed since January 2010 and supported by 34 companies, including automakers and parts manufacturer in Japan. Two of the producers who helped this development is the Isuzu and Mitsubishi.

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Mission Impossible’s New Car

BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics and now uses the official name will be a car “i8” reported in the blockbuster movie Mission Impossible: The Ghost Protocol. Reported by sun.co.uk. Further, this hybrid supercar-other versions are also on display at the Geneva-now was on location shooting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where the film crew gathered. Cars with futuristic figure will perform with other BMW models in the same movie, the latest Series-6.

BMW i8 is a hybrid car with a combination of 3-cylinder diesel engine, turbocharger, plus an electric motor which is claimed to produce 328 PS power. Another greatness of this car is capable of doing sprint 0-100 km/h in 5 seconds and reaches a top speed of 248 km/h (in Germany, the highest speed the car is limited to 240 km/h).

No less interesting, with an increasingly expensive oil prices, fuel consumption supercars of 26.57 km per liter!

BMW i8 go on sale in 2013. Although the sale price has not been announced, media predict this car will be sold at US$ 160,000 in the United States.

Later, in the new film Mission Impossible, i8 will driven by Chief John Anderton, who has also been used BMW in the 2002 science fiction film, Minority Report. By coincidence, John Anderton and previous Mission Impossible actor, Ethan Hunt, played by the same person,  Tom Cruise. For BMW, this is an interesting promotion for the latest products that are marketed in 2013.

(Authors: Zulkifli BJ-Kompas)

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Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Feeling Fly with Streetflyer

Who have never imagined could fly? Therefore, there are sports paragliding or parachuting.

Well, what if you want to feel the drift but afraid of heights? The solution is Streetflyer made by Dr. Carsten Mehring.

Simply, Streetflyer is light-weight vehicles carbon-fiber that works similar to a bicycle. But, we do not ride as if riding a bike. To use Streetflyer, our position have to horizontal position and held with a body-harness. So our body will float up to 1.5 to 2 meters above the ground.

Still a vehicle concept that is actually working to rehabilitate the spine. But, you can imagine how freeing it will feel to “soar” through the streets in the Superman position. Up..up..and away.
(Source: GoGirlMagz)

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